Monday, October 13, 2008

Bush signs tougher anti-piracy law

Bush signs tougher anti-piracy law
US President George Bush on Monday signed the PRO-IP Act into law, increasing the federal government's attempts to crack down on copyright violations and other intellectual property infringement in the country. The Act will bring in a cabinet member dedicated to improving copyright protection and also increases punishments for both basic copyright violations as well as physical counterfeits....

GBTV #441 (small) | GeekBrief.TV

GBTV #441 (small) | GeekBrief.TV
In an interview with CIO Magazine, Steve Balmer said they're working on porting the Zune software to Windows Mobile.

Sony's eBook reader, the PRS-700, was announced today. It'll have a touch screen, allowing you to "flip" pages with the swipe of a finger. It'll be available at the end of October.

Wii Speak is a new channel on the Wii. With a Wii mic, and you and three other people can voice chat.

The Nerd Girls are a group of women with the goal of encouraging girls to embrace science, technology, engineering and math. You can join their community at lets you print exactly what you want from a webpage, minus all the ads and extras that take up so much paper.

Don't forget about the State Fair of Texas meetup on Sunday, October 5th!

You can save money on domain name registrations and renewals from with discount codes GB1, GB2 and GB3. For an explanation of each code, click here. **Editors note: We were supposed to put a list of domains names that were registered with my promo codes, but we kind of forgot, so that segment is there for your comedic pleasure. :)

MacBreak 05: There is a Need for Panic

Leo and Emery show you how to use Transmit, the award-winning FTP software from Panic Software. Read More

GBTV #0385 (small) | GeekBrief.TV

Drobo released an SDK today. Developers can build apps to make Drobo do more after joining the Drobo Developer Community.

Fontstruct is a free, Web-based app for future typography rock stars. I want the creator of the next Helvetica to be a GeekBrief.TV viewer.

GoLive2 is releasing a Wiimote inspired series of controllers for PC gaming and they're calling them Stix.

Philippe Starck designed a small wind turbine that might generate 20% to 60% of the energy needed to power a home. I skeptical, but definitely interested.

149 Series Mitsubishi HDTVs will include 16-point speaker systems that simulate 5.1 surround sound. Read More

Billings 3 prices reduced until November 30th

Billings 3 prices reduced until November 30th

Filed under: Software

Marketcircle, the company behind Billings (which I mentioned in some depth recently), knows that a freelancer (or small business) needs every advantage they can get to survive in this economy. Sympathetic to the plight of the individuals on "Main Street," they're offering Billings 3 for $20 off the usual price, and upgrades for $10 off until November 30th. If you'd benefit from time tracking and high-quality invoices but weren't ready to drop $59.95 to get there, see if $39.95USD sounds a little better.

If you've already purchased or upgraded to Billings 3, you're not excluded from the party. Emailing a proof of purchase to Marketcircle will get you a voucher for the difference, redeemable for anything else in their store. See AJ's blog post for directions. Prices have also been reduced in the U.K., Canada, Europe and Australia with slightly modified numbers based on exchange rates. Stop by the Marketcircle store for details.

Continue reading Billings 3 prices reduced until November 30th

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MacBreak 158: MacBreak WWDC: Savant

Alex shows us what Savant is doing to automate our home entertainment systems. Read More

Study shows 43% of college women prefer Macs

Filed under: Analysis / Opinion, Cult of Mac, Apple Financial

"Hi, I'm a Mac. And I'm a PC." -- You've probably heard those words more than a few times. Apple has been airing the "Get a Mac" commercials for a few years, and from the looks of it, the ads have been fairly successful. But has it really helped spread the word that Mac is better?

iPhone Savior recently surveyed seven college women at a school in British Columbia (Canada) and found that almost half of them said they preferred a Mac over a PC. They note that their research on the subject was ended early due to "several unfriendly encounters with campus security."

Numbers don't lie ... and Apple has the numbers (quite literally) on their side. Recently, Apple's market share jumped to almost 8.2% for notebook users. That's just amazing (especially for such difficult economical times).

Please note: The iPhone Savior survey is very limited in statistical terms of population, and because of this, the data is probably skewed slightly. We should also note that before you take a poll on a college campus, make sure you're a student or have clearance from the proper school officials. That being said, feel free to take part in our own poll on this issue.

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